How stakeholders’ data literacy contributes to student success in higher education: a goal-oriented

发布时间: 2020-11-13 15:24:24 来源: 高教所 发布者:yangnan

 How stakeholders’ data literacy contributes to student success in higher education: a goal-oriented analysis


Abstract: Student success is becoming a shared vision for quality in higher education. Majority data in higher education have not been transformed into actionable insights for quality enhancement. Data are dispersed among stakeholders, and stakeholders’ data literacy influences the effectiveness of using data for student success. However, existing studies mainly focus on students’ data literacy; the analysis of other stakeholders’ data literacy for student success is still few. This study aims to explore how stakeholders’ data literacy contributes to student success in a holistic view. The salience model is used to identify core stakeholders. The goal-modeling language iStar is used to present how stakeholders contribute to student success. A competencies matrix of data literacy is used to discuss the specific data literacy competencies that stakeholders should focus on promoting student success. A survey is conducted to validate the goal-oriented analysis and the discussions on specific competencies of data literacy for stakeholders. The goal-oriented analysis presents the complexity of interactions and dependencies among stakeholders for student success. This study helps to raise stakeholders to be aware of the importance of their data literacy and the necessity of collaboration on exploiting vast available data for student success.


Yang, N., Li, T. How stakeholders’ data literacy contributes to student success in higher education: a goal-oriented analysis [J]. International Journal of Educational Technology in High Education 2020,7(41).



