
发布时间: 2015-11-06 来源: 科教研管理处 发布者:huangyuanyuan



人教社科研部定于20151111日(周三)上午,邀请英国曼彻斯特大学教育学院院长Mel West教授做题为“英国课程和学校教育”的学术讲座,现将有关事项通知如下:

时 间:上午9:30-11:00

地 点:人教社1号楼A座五层505学术报告厅(北京海淀区中关村南大街17号院)

题 目:英国课程和学校教育

主讲人:Mel West教授


(一)主要科研兴趣(Main research interests

学校改进school improvement;发展中国家的教育体制和系统education structures and systems in developing countries;教育政策对实践的冲击 impact of educational policy on practice;教师教育teacher development等。

His work has principally been in the fields of school improvement. In the mid-nineteen eighties, he was one of the architects of the influential Improving the Quality of Education for All (IQEA) program. This program, which is still going strong in several parts of the world, has been used by some hundreds of schools, and has become one of the most widespread approaches to school development. He has contributed to school improvement in Iceland , Laos , Chile , Hong Kong , China , Puerto Rico and Malawi , working with a number of international agencies including the British Council, DfID, OECD, UNESCO. Current projects include school improvement program in Beijing and a headteacher development program in the West of China. He is also co-directing the Leadership Development Unit, set up by the DfES and the National College for School Leadership, to support schools and LEAs facing challenging circumstances.

(二)国际经验(International experience


(三)发表(Selected recent publications

1.Staff involvement in the design of a key skills curriculum model: a case-study. Curriculum Journal , vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 179-190, 2001.

2.Creating the Conditions for Classroom and Teacher Development. Teachers and Teaching , vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 115-141, 1998.

3.Supporting School Improvement: Observations on the inside, reflections from the outside. School Leadership & Management , vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 43-60, 2000

4.Collaboration as a strategy for improving schools in challenging circumstances. Journal: Improving Schools , vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 192-202, 2006.

5.School-to-school cooperation as a strategy for improving student outcomes in challenging contexts. School Effectiveness and School Improvement - SCH EFFECTIVENESS SCH IMPROV , vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 93-112, 2010

6.Making schools effective for all: rethinking the task. School Leadership & Management, vol. ahead-of-p, no. ahead-of-p, pp. 1-17, 2012.


1.Creating the Conditions for School Improvement. with Ainscow, M., Beresford, B., Harris, M., Hopkins , D.S. (2001), David Fulton

2.What Leaders Read: Key Texts from Education and Beyond. with Ainscow, M., and Notman, H., (2003), National College for School Leadership

3.Reconceptualizing School Effectiveness and Improvement. with Hopkins, D.,(2003) in Handbook of Educational Leadership and Management, Davies, B., and West-Burnham, J., (eds), Pearson Longman

4.Sustaining Improvement in Schools in Challenging Circumstances: a Study of Successful Practice.with Ainscow, M., and Stanford, J. (in press) in School Leadership and Management





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